1 Conversatzione
There was all of a sudden an inovation [sic] upon the rotine [sic] of unbroken evening
one Winter. Hiw [sic] it came about I know not, but we were bidden to an ex-
clusively college affair once fortnight, dubbed a "Conversatzione'"! It was, in
spite of its foreign title just a literary club, with papers and talk and light
supper, or refreshments as it was called. Was it dull? Or was I stupid?
I remember only one given at Professor Waner's [sic], rather brilliant in effect
but memorable chiefly for an astute paper given by that shining intellect,
Proffessor [sic] Smith, who merged his power in the New York Theological Seminary
soon after, -- loss irreparable to Amherst College!
The affair was short lived and some plain folk said it died of its imported
name. Conversatzione to be sure! A queer frill for this Plymouth Rock college!
[typed upside down:
[handwritten upside down:
July 1912.]