Letters from Bishop Huntington - July 27, 1896 - 3

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The Republican's reporter for such an Institution + such a
celebration ought to be a man of some sense, some idea of
literary art, + some skill in reproducing what he hears.

For some cause that I never understood (tho' I have
an opinion) the younger Bowles has always either had
a grudge or a spite in my behalf. I was his father's friend,
the friend of his editorship fr. the beginning. As sons of the
Valley + neighbors we had much in common, without agreeing
on all subjects. First + last I have said kind things about

the Rep. I suppose enough to fill one of its pages. I take it every
Summer, + pay my subscription in advance, tho' my religious
Hadley neighbors have dropped it for the "Union" on acc't of
its radicalism. It is not strange that it dislikes me.
I somewhat dislike myself. Its prejudice appears in