Individuals are more than individuals. No
man liveth to himself. The Christian people must be, in
some sense, one. They have our life-principles, our vital
original power. There must be a Society, - & not merely an
association of voluntary members, but a Family of the
new-born, - not by any means perfect, but to be trained,
brought up, taught, strengthened, comforted, in the Household of
the Heavenly Bridegroom. The members are "members one of
another." It is the organic union; i.e. one in which
every member shares in the common life of the whole, & of the
Head. Such a Society, such a Body, must have certain
fixed, unchangeable bonds, marks, outlines, however free
& large. There must be a general, tho' definite statement of
the essentials of the Religion believed, not a string 'of proposi'-
-tions or definitions, like the modern "Confessions," but the simple
facts, answering to the Constitution of the a Commonwealth. This
is the "Apostles' Creed". There must be a "Common"
worship, prayer & praise, in which all alike, without distinction
or privilege, rich & poor, ignorant & literate, have an
equal part. There must be Sacraments, visible Signs
of the divine & superhuman Gifts, - one of initiation,
the beginning or birth of the new life & membership in the
Family, - the other of constant renewal, nourishment, growth,
a Feast of thanksgiving, - the Eucharist. There must be
authorized officers to administer these Sacraments.
Portions of the Flock, teachers, preachers, priests. All these
must, in every way, beget, instil, cherish, deepen, enliven,
strengthen reverence, the central & radical principle of
all Religion. This is the Church: - the Church of the new
Testament, the only church of the early centuries, as