Letters from Bishop Huntington - May 13 - 5

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My reply, you see, has been much
more extended than was needful. I am not
at all disposed to interpose in anybody's
religious convictions or practices, or to offer
my friends what they have not asked for,
- however much peace & strength & comfort my
faith & life in this Church have given to me & my
children. I gladly take this opportunity, however,
to give you & Martha a little idea of the
ground I stand upon. I used to wish Austin
could comprehend it, partly because it wd have eased,
to him, the disappointment he felt at my source of
thought & belief. Nothing can deprive me of the
impression that if Edward had once seen the Church
from within he w'd have found it if just the
strong, clear, definite, manly form of religion united to his
mind & character, & might have been an enthusiastic
churchman. I am entirely willing that the gracious
woman, whose refinement, sweetness & love w'd have
blessed & gladdened & further enrolled him as his
wife, if that had been the will of Him who is wiser [?]
than the wisest of us, & tenderer than the most merciful,
sh'd know what I have written.

With the love of many years, the Spirit of
a servant to all y'r wants, y'r attached
F D Huntington -

There is the sort of
occasion for my answer.