
every thing bangs and rattles, and goes
rumbling along thro' stones and plank
and clay! I dont feel as if I could
have you there, possibly, another day. I'm
afraid you'll turn into a bank, or a
Pearl Street counting room, if you have not
already, assumed some monstrous shape
living in such a place.
Let me see - April - three weeks until April -
the very first of April, well, perhaps that
will do, only be sure of the week, the whole
week, and nothing but the week; if they
make new arrangements, give my respects
to them, and tell them old arrangements
are good enough for you, and you will
have them, then if they raise the wind, why
let them blow - there's nothing more excellent
than a breeze now and then!
What a time we shall have Fast day,
after we get home from meeting - why
it makes me dance to think of it; and
Austin, if I dance so many days beforehand
what will become of me when the hour
really arrives? I dont know, I'm sure, and
I dont care, much, for that, or for anything
else, but get you home! We will call on
rumbling along thro' stones and plank
and clay! I dont feel as if I could
have you there, possibly, another day. I'm
afraid you'll turn into a bank, or a
Pearl Street counting room, if you have not
already, assumed some monstrous shape
living in such a place.
Let me see - April - three weeks until April -
the very first of April, well, perhaps that
will do, only be sure of the week, the whole
week, and nothing but the week; if they
make new arrangements, give my respects
to them, and tell them old arrangements
are good enough for you, and you will
have them, then if they raise the wind, why
let them blow - there's nothing more excellent
than a breeze now and then!
What a time we shall have Fast day,
after we get home from meeting - why
it makes me dance to think of it; and
Austin, if I dance so many days beforehand
what will become of me when the hour
really arrives? I dont know, I'm sure, and
I dont care, much, for that, or for anything
else, but get you home! We will call on