
[verso of half-page cut out]
There's a great demand for Houses, and
Father looks very grand, and carries his
hands in his pockets in case he should
meet a Northhampton man. The Tyler's are
going to Pawtucket this spring, to live.
Henry has whiskers. Wells Newport has
disappeared, and our horse is now under
the care of Jeremiah Holden, who seems
a faithful hand. There are many things
to say, but meeting is out, and all the
folks are coming.
Much love from Mother and Vinnie - we are
now prety well, and our hearts are
set on April, the very first of April! Emilie
set on April, the very first of April! Emilie
[on left margin of first page]
Love to Miss Nichols - E. Norcross, if still
Love to Miss Nichols - E. Norcross, if still
there, and all the relatives. Sorry he did'nt see
[on left margin of second page]
Liked your letter very much, and hope I shall
Liked your letter very much, and hope I shall
have another one pretty soon.
[on left margin of third page]
Vinnie went to South Hadley with Henry
Vinnie went to South Hadley with Henry
Root, Wednesday to call on Jane.
[on left margin of fourth page]
Father has got well. John Emerson's going
Father has got well. John Emerson's going
[words cut] lecture, Tues.