
the schoolroom key on Irish boys - Nurse and all,
and walk away to freedom and the sunshine
here at home. Father says all Boston would not
be a temptation to you another year - I wish
it would not tempt you to stay another day.
Oh Austin, it is wrong to tantalize you so
while you are braving all things in trying
to fulfill duty. Duty is black and brown,
home is bright and shining, "and the spirit
and the bride say come, and let him that"
wandereth come - for "behold all things are
ready"! We are having such lovely weather -
the air is as sweet and still, now and
then a gay leaf falling - the crickets sing
all day long - high in a crimson tree a be-
lated bird is singing - a thousand little
painters are ting[e]ing hill and dale - I ad-
mit now, Austin, that autumn is most beau-
tiful, and spring is but the least - yet they
"differ as stars" in their distinctive glories.
How happy if you were here to share these
pleasures with us - the fruit should be more
sweet, and the dying day more golden -
merrier the falling nut, if with you we
gathered it and hid it down deep in the
abyss of basket; but you complain not - where-
and walk away to freedom and the sunshine
here at home. Father says all Boston would not
be a temptation to you another year - I wish
it would not tempt you to stay another day.
Oh Austin, it is wrong to tantalize you so
while you are braving all things in trying
to fulfill duty. Duty is black and brown,
home is bright and shining, "and the spirit
and the bride say come, and let him that"
wandereth come - for "behold all things are
ready"! We are having such lovely weather -
the air is as sweet and still, now and
then a gay leaf falling - the crickets sing
all day long - high in a crimson tree a be-
lated bird is singing - a thousand little
painters are ting[e]ing hill and dale - I ad-
mit now, Austin, that autumn is most beau-
tiful, and spring is but the least - yet they
"differ as stars" in their distinctive glories.
How happy if you were here to share these
pleasures with us - the fruit should be more
sweet, and the dying day more golden -
merrier the falling nut, if with you we
gathered it and hid it down deep in the
abyss of basket; but you complain not - where-