
fore do we? I had a long letter from [Sue]
last Tuesday evening [and Mat] had one that
day and came down here to read it - we
had a beautiful time reading [about Susie]
and talking of [words completely erased] the good
times of last summer - and we anticipated -
boasted ourselves of tomorrow [one line erased]
[words erased] the future we created, and
all of us went to ride in an air bubble
for a carriage.We have made all our plans for you and us [words erased] in another year - we cherish all the past - we glide adown
the present, awake, yet dreaming, but thefuture
or ours together - there the birds sing loudest,
and the sun shines always there!
Martha and I are very much together - we
fill every niche of time with statues of you
and [Sue] and in return for this they smile
beautiful smiles down from their dwelling places.
Martha wears the charm when she goes out
calling, and many a eulogium is passed upon
your gift. [Sue] says in her letter she has
had a "brief letter from you" - wont you write
her a longer? Father says you wear a white
hat, cocked up at the sides - know I shall
like its looks and want so much to see it -
day and came down here to read it
had a beautiful time reading [about Susie]
and talking of [words completely erased] the good
times of last summer - and we anticipated -
boasted ourselves of tomorrow [one line erased]
[words erased] the future we created, and
all of us went to ride in an air bubble
for a carriage.
the present, awake, yet dreaming, but thefuture
or ours together - there the birds sing loudest,
and the sun shines always there!
fill every niche of time with statues of you
and [Sue] and in return for this they smile
beautiful smiles down from their dwelling places.
Martha wears the charm when she goes out
calling, and many a eulogium is passed upon
your gift. [Sue] says in her letter she has
had a "brief letter from you" - wont you write
her a longer?
hat, cocked up at the sides - know I shall
like its looks and want so much to see it -