
as for the wearer, I want to see him too - but
which the most prithee?
Father says you ate little dinner when you
dined with him - he did'nt know whether
you were not hungry, or whether it was as-
tonishment at encountering - I hope the
latter. You must get better fast - we shall
have a busy day for you on Cattle Show day.
We have had some sweet cider - I drank
your health. I thank you for the vial.
I had a dissertation from Eliza Coleman a
day or two ago - dont know which was the
author - Plato, or Socrates - rather think Jove
had a finger in it. Abby Wood has not
come - Emerson and Dickinson have been
threatened with fevers, but are better now.
Spencer is still alive, but cannot linger long.
He is sick at Dea Haskell's - his mother is
here. Mother came home yesterday - had a pleas-
ant visit at Monson. They all send their love.
Vinnie sends her's. How soon you will be here!
Days, flee away - "lest with a whip of scor-
pions I overtake your lingering!"
I am in a hurry - this pen is too slow
for me - "it hath done what it could."
which the most prithee?
Father says you ate little dinner when you
dined with him - he did'nt know whether
you were not hungry, or whether it was as-
tonishment at encountering - I hope the
latter. You must get better fast - we shall
have a busy day for you on Cattle Show day.
We have had some sweet cider - I drank
your health. I thank you for the vial.
I had a dissertation from Eliza Coleman a
day or two ago - dont know which was the
author - Plato, or Socrates - rather think Jove
had a finger in it. Abby Wood has not
come - Emerson and Dickinson have been
threatened with fevers, but are better now.
Spencer is still alive, but cannot linger long.
He is sick at Dea Haskell's - his mother is
here. Mother came home yesterday - had a pleas-
ant visit at Monson. They all send their love.
Vinnie sends her's. How soon you will be here!
Days, flee away - "lest with a whip of scor-
pions I overtake your lingering!"
I am in a hurry - this pen is too slow
for me - "it hath done what it could."
Your aff, Emily