
good indeed, and when I had fin-
ished reading it, I said with a
pleasant smile, "then there is something
left"! I have been disgusted, ever
since you went away, and have con-
cluded several times that it's of no
use minding it, as it is only a puff
ball. But your letter so raised me
up, that I look round again,
and notice my fellow men.
I think you far exceed Punch -
much funnier - much funnier, cant
keep up with you at all!
I suppose the young lady will be
getting home today - how often I
thought of you yesterday afternoon
and evening. I did "drop in at the
Revere" a great many times yesterday.
I hope you have been made happy.
If so I am satisfied. I shall know
ished reading it, I said with a
pleasant smile, "then there is something
left"! I have been disgusted, ever
since you went away, and have con-
cluded several times that it's of no
use minding it, as it is only a puff
ball. But your letter so raised me
up, that I look round again,
and notice my fellow men.
I think you far exceed Punch -
much funnier - much funnier, cant
keep up with you at all!
I suppose the young lady will be
getting home today - how often I
thought of you yesterday afternoon
and evening. I did "drop in at the
Revere" a great many times yesterday.
I hope you have been made happy.
If so I am satisfied. I shall know