
next time. We received your notes
and the Poems, for which we thank
you, last week - Father seemed much
pleased with this letter, and all of us
laughed a little - The remark con-
cerning Mr Ford seemed to please
father mightily - I dont dont [sic] mean
what I said, but your opposition
to me - He told me you'd "hit me
off nicely." You make me think of
Dickens, when you write such letters
as that - I am going to read it to
Sue - I should have done before, but
the afternoon it came, we had ter-
rible thunder showers, and it rained
all evening long, and yesterday afternoon
Father wanted us all to ride, so I
have not had opportunity - I walked
with her last evening - She wore
and the Poems, for which we thank
you, last week - Father seemed much
pleased with this letter, and all of us
laughed a little - The remark con-
cerning Mr Ford seemed to please
father mightily - I dont dont [sic] mean
what I said, but your opposition
to me - He told me you'd "hit me
off nicely." You make me think of
Dickens, when you write such letters
as that - I am going to read it to
Sue - I should have done before, but
the afternoon it came, we had ter-
rible thunder showers, and it rained
all evening long, and yesterday afternoon
Father wanted us all to ride, so I
have not had opportunity - I walked
with her last evening - She wore