
little while - I hope you received
your hat - I had not time to write
you with it, for I did it up late
last night, after having folks here
all the evening, and I hope it did
not seem strange to you.
The time for the New London trip
has not been fixed upon.
I sincerely wish it may wait until
you get home from Cambridge,
if you would like to go.
The cars continue thriving - a good
many passengers seem to arrive
from somewhere, tho' nobody knows
from where - Father expects his
new Buggy to come by the cars, every
day now, and that will help a
little - I expect all our Grandfathers
and all their country cousins will
your hat - I had not time to write
you with it, for I did it up late
last night, after having folks here
all the evening, and I hope it did
not seem strange to you.
The time for the New London trip
has not been fixed upon.
I sincerely wish it may wait until
you get home from Cambridge,
if you would like to go.
The cars continue thriving - a good
many passengers seem to arrive
from somewhere, tho' nobody knows
from where - Father expects his
new Buggy to come by the cars, every
day now, and that will help a
little - I expect all our Grandfathers
and all their country cousins will