
Friday morning -
They are cleaning house today, Susie, and I've made a
flying retreat to my own little chamber, where with
affection, and you, I will spend this my precious hour, most
precious of all the hours which dot my flying days, and the
one so dear, that for it I barter everything, and as soon as it
is gone, I am sighing for it again.
I cannot believe, dear Susie, that I have stayed without you
almost a whole year long; sometimes the time seems short,
and the thought of you as warm as if you had gone but
yesterday, and again if years and years had trod their silent
pathway, the time would seem less long.
And now how soon I shall have you, shall hold you in my
arms; you will forgive the tears, Susie, they are so glad to
come that it is not in my heart to reprove them and send
them home. I dont know why it is - but there's something in
your name, now you are taken from me, which fills my
heart so full, and my eye, too. It is not that the mention
grieves me, no, Susie, but I think of each "sunnyside"
where we have sat together, and lest there be no more, I
guess is what makes the
[Marginalia on first page<:]
Austin has come and gone; life is so still again; why must
Austin has come and gone; life is so still again; why must
the storm have calms?