
tears come. Mattie was here last evening, and we sat on the
front door stone, and talked about life and love, and
whispered our childish fancies about such blissful things -
the evening was gone so soon, and I walked home with
Mattie beneath the silent moon, and wished for you, and
Heaven. You did not come, Darling, but a bit of Heaven
did, or so it seemed to us, as we walked side by side and
wondered of that great blessedness which may be our's
sometime, is granted now, to some. This union, my dear
Susie, by which two lives are one, this sweet and strange
adoption wherein we can but look, and are not yet
admitted, how it can fill the heart, and make it gang wildly
beating, how it will take us one day, and make us all it's
own, and we shall not run away from it, but lie still and be
You and I have been strangely silent upon this subject,
Susie, we have often touched upon it, and as quickly fled
away, as children shut their eyes when the sun is too bright
for them. I have always hoped to know if you had no dear
fancy, illumining all your life, no one of whom you
murmured in the faithful ear of night - and
[Marginalia on second page<:]
I hav'nt seen Root this term, I guess Mattie and I, are not
I hav'nt seen Root this term, I guess Mattie and I, are not
sufficient for him!