
Friday forenoon -
Will you let me come dear Susie -
looking just as I do, my dress soiled and
worn, my grand old apron, and my hair-
Oh Susie, time would fail me to enumerate
my appearance, yet I love you just as dear-
ly as if I was e'er so fine, so you wont
care, will you? I am so glad dear Susie-
that our hearts are always clean, and
always neat and lovely, so not to be a-
shamed. I have been hard at work this
morning, and I ought to be working now-
but I cannot deny myself the luxury of
a minute or two with you.
The dishes may wait dear Susie- and
the uncleared table stand, them I have
always with me, but you, I have "not al-
ways," why Susie, Christ hath saints manie
and I have few, but thee the angels shant
have Susie no no no!
Vinnie is sewing away like a fictitious
seamstress, and I half expect some knight
will arrive at the door, confess himself
a nothing in presence of her loveliness, and
present his heart and hand as the only