Watching the sick 1

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As my patient had fallen into a gentle sleep
and morning had come I softly made my escape
into it-- What a sight it was -- mine for a life time
not a person, not a sound was abroad -- the Sun not
yet visible but the whole district of Pelham hills
suffused with a deep vein[wine?] color -- hardly transpar-
ent and hardly a mist--I forgot sick old women
and every bogy-- just adored and kept saying
over to myself Mrs B's line from "Sunrise at Sea"
"I oft had seen the dawn light rise" &tc
full now I watched and was so scared I
withdrew from the ministering angels of that
day -- It was a dreary setting that last
night of watching -- a larger old-fashioned
kitchen -- enormous fireplace and this small
bed rooms . opening out was my arena -- My
charge was a very old woman slowly recovering
who was comfortably fixed in one of the
bed-rooms -- If one wants to make a sensitive
computation of time try my position from 8 to
12 on a still Summer night in the country
where all human life gradually withdraws to
shies away and trick of darkness begins its antics
This steady talk in the old cloak of time & eternity