Letters from Bishop Huntington - January 29 - 3

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I am glad you think of us. If you did not,
it w'd prove that we have been fearfully taken in +
that I, for one, have been walking in my sleep. No great
calamity has come nigh us. The only serious ailment has
been H's rheumatic knee. We are kept busy by the sins
+ miseries of mankind + womankind. These never excuse us,
never leave us to question the orthodox phenomenon of the Fall
of Man, + never let us grow fanatically confident as to
the millenium. God has been wonderfully gracious in granting
me almost painless health, + such endurance of vigor that
I have been able to do all my public work without an
assistant, preaching every week altogether beyond the expectations
or petitions of my audiences. I have long felt it to be